Reviewing our members' experiments

Since Garden Organic's origins in 1958, our members have played a vital role in the research and development of organic horticulture. Over the years, thousands of you have taken part in Members' Experiments investigating an amazing range of topics.
Members of Garden Organic standing in a polytunnel full of plants.

Composting, green manures, organic pest control, varieties, novel crops, self-sufficiency and garden yields have been running themes. In total there has been more than 500 experiments!

Some of you may recall intriguing topics such as Finding and Growing Freak Plants in the late 1950s, Perfumes against Pests in the '60s, Carrot Fly Control by Cunning from the '70s, along with Operations Eggbound, Popeye and Tiggywingkle to name a few.

To celebrate our achievements, we are currently reviewing and reflecting over this important collection of citizen science, with support from the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience at Coventry University. So far, we have created a big database of all the experiments undertaken since 1958, within information on how many members took part, results obtained and conclusions drawn.

We are interested in how the Members' Experiments have developed and changed over the years within the work of the organisation and also in the role and impact they had on those involved, and on the development of organic gardening and horticulture practice.

As part of this we are very keen to find out more from the experimenters. How have you been involved in the Members' Experiments? Why are they important to you? What have you learnt and how have they influenced your gardening? Can you tells us about an experiment that was particularly memorable for you?

If you have taken part in the Members' Experiment, whether you've been involved in the past or at present, have undertaken just one or many experiments, we would be very grateful if you could take the time to complete a short questionnaire. And even if you have not taken part in the Members' Experiments, we would still love to hear your views.

Take the survey now

Download the survey to complete offline

We will be collecting responses until 17th October and will keep you updated on the progress of the project on our website and in our members' magazine, The Organic Way. We look forward to hearing your views.