
  1. person in white suit spraying weed killer on plants.

    Glyphosate – the EU fails once more to approve

    The decision on whether to relicense glyphosate is still on hold.

  2. Tomato Pop In

    Are GMOs safe to eat?

    Studies on humans and their consumption of GM foods are few. However there are numerous adverse effects on laboratory animals, which include hepatic, pancreatic, renal and reproductive impacts.

  3. Master composters potting plants

    Help Oxfordshire residents recycle more and become a Master Composter!

    In partnership with Oxfordshire County Council, Garden Organic are looking for more people to volunteer as Master Composters this summer.

  4. Heritage seed packet

    Horticulture students working to safeguard survival of UK seed varieties

    Ensuring the long-term survival of the country’s original bean varieties is part of a key project involving Nottingham Trent University.

  5. Masters Gardeners with lettuce

    Garden Organic and Peabody launch Master Gardener scheme across London estates

    Garden Organic has joined forces with Housing association Peabody to launch a network of Master Gardeners to encourage Peabody residents to start growing food on their estates in London.

  6. Someone spraying plants with weed killer

    Glyphosate vote delayed, yet again

    The European Union on Thursday delayed a vote on renewing sales approval for the pesticide glyphosate, used in Monsanto's weed-killer Roundup, amid a transatlantic row over whether it may cause cancer.

  7. People in a garden at a dementia event

    Helping people to think differently about dementia

    Yesterday we hosted an event with national social enterprise Dementia Adventure, to explore the knowledge and skills required to support people living with dementia to get outdoors, connect with nature and retain a sense of adventure in their lives.

  8. A headshot of two friends smiling in a garden.

    Report calls for greater integration of gardening in NHS & public health policy

    A groundbreaking report commissioned by the National Gardens Scheme from The King’s Fund calls for greater recognition and integration of gardens in NHS and public health policy

  9. Bee on a flower

    Ministers reject plan for the ‘emergency’ use of banned bee-harming pesticides

    National Farming Union’s application for banned pesticide use on oil seed rape crops is rejected as government rules against neonicotinoids for the first time.

  10. Worms in organic compost

    Earthworm Watch

    Earthworms are the organic growers' best friends. Did you know, there are 27 species in the UK, and healthy farmland will have up to one and three quarter million worms per acre.