
  1. person in white suit spraying weed killer on plants.

    Glyphosate - did the EU regulators fraudulently claim it is safe?

    Dr Peter Clausing, an industry toxicologist who now works for PAN (Pesticide Action Network) Germany, says the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) have twisted scientific facts to give glyphosate a clean bill of health.

  2. Mayor of London Sadiq Khan meeting with school children

    London schools celebrate food growing success at City Hall

    From strawberry jam to tomato ketchup, and the great British apple to winter salad bags - young entrepreneurs from 10 London schools shared their food growing skills with the public at City Hall on Thursday 13 October 2016.

  3. person in white suit spraying weed killer on plants.

    Glyphosate: the latest scientific review

    In a “state of the science” review released this week, Pesticide Action Network(PAN) International reveals the true extent of the adverse effects of glyphosate and glyphosate-based herbicides (GBHs) on human health and the environment.

  4. Spring flowers at Ryton gardens

    Bulbs for the organic grower

    If you’re looking to introduce some splashes of spring colour into your organic garden, the autumn months are the perfect time to plant spring and summer flowering bulbs.

  5. Worms in organic compost

    ‘Earthworm Watch’ returns to unearth the secrets of soil health

    The Autumn re-launch of ‘Earthworm Watch’ is set to inspire an army of gardeners and other citizen scientists across the UK to record the diversity of earthworms hidden beneath our feet!

  6. Ryton garden in November

    Celebrating a year of achievement

    Every year, Garden Organic invites the charity’s volunteer Master Gardeners, Master Composters, Food Buddies and Growing Buddies from across the UK to join them in celebrating another inspirational year of spreading the word on organic food growing, food preparation and home composting.

  7. Chris Collins in his winter garden

    10 minutes with Chris Collins, GO's Head of Horticulture

    Garden Organic's new Head of Organic Horticulture, Chris Collins has a CV most gardeners can only dream of, taking in two Royal Botanic Gardens and the green space at 'The Queen's church' Westminster Abbey.

  8. Members of Garden Organic standing in a polytunnel full of plants.

    Reviewing our members' experiments

    Since Garden Organic's origins in 1958, our members have played a vital role in the research and development of organic horticulture. Over the years, thousands of you have taken part in Members' Experiments investigating an amazing range of topics.

  9. Volunteers planting

    Now recruiting volunteers in Breckland!

    Breckland Council and national charity Garden Organic have launched a new scheme to create a network of volunteer ‘Growing Buddies’, to support older people and vulnerable residents in growing and gardening activities as part of the Breckland Master Gardeners Project.

  10. Hands holding a tray of organic vegetables including rainbow chard, tomatoes and squashes.

    Independent businesses key to organic success

    Recent research from Nielsen has shown that the UK’s organic market is likely to reach and exceed a value of £2 billion by the end of this year, with a considerable percentage of that thanks to independents.